Wednesday, February 24, 2010

10 ERISA Insights for Employers

I recently read a great article at written by H. Douglas Hinson. Please see below.

A recent ERISA litigation conference that featured in-house counsel, ERISA litigators and federal judges yielded important insights on how employers can protect themselves in this technical—and potentially costly—area of employment law. Here are the top 10 insights from one of the conference’s organizers.

The American Conference Institute’s ERISA Litigation Conference was held over two days in October in New York and featured more than 25 in-house counsel, more than 20 federal judges from eight circuits and dozens of ERISA litigation practitioners from around the country. The in-house counsel and judges were the stars of the show, providing insights for employers who wish to prepare for ERISA litigation—or better yet, avoid it. Here are my top 10 insights from the conference, along with brief explanations of how they might be of help to your company and your plan’s fiduciaries. Following these practical suggestions will greatly improve your company’s chances of avoiding ERISA litigation, and winning any such litigation that is filed...

To read the rest of this article, please go to this Workforce link.

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